Parent Information

What happens after my child is registered?

As soon as you know you want to register your child with us, you need to submit a Childcare Request Form. The information requesting places will be entered into our Register and as soon as places become available, you will be contacted. It may be that we are not able to offer all of the places you initially requested, but once your child is attending the Club you have immediate priority (based upon the date you initially registered your interest) as soon as the additional places become available.

To download the CHILDCARE REQUEST FORM please click the link below;

What happens once my child is offered a place?

Once a place becomes available, you need to complete the full set of Registration Forms.  These include the Introduction Letter, Registration Form, Emergency Contact/Medical Treatment Form, Parental Consent Form and Terms of Membership.  Without these completed fully, we will not accept your child into the setting, as we need to ensure we can offer your child the best possible experience and support, based upon the information you supply us with.

Within the Club we have a lot of experience looking after children who may have a medical condition, or who may have learning support requirements or who may have behavioural support requirements.  The Club exists for ALL children!

If medication needs to be administered while your child is at the Club, please complete the Administering Medication Form (below) for each individual medicine.

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